Name: Chikara M.
Department: Personal Supports
Years in company: 1 Year, 2 Months

Nominated By:
Name: Sharon S.
Position: Assistant Director, Personal Supports

Here are the Highlights from Chikara’s nomination:

Top Attributes:

  • Leadership
  • Accountability
  • Advocacy

Chikara leads her teams by setting an example through her own actions. She exudes growth, honesty, and accountability. Chikara is respected by her team, as well as by me. She is a true leader at The Arc NCR!

Community Participation:
Chikara is very active in the lives of the people who are on her caseload.  Chikara makes home visits and spends quality time in the Community Living homes. She shows up in the community where events are taking place.  She also assists her team in creating meaningful activities for the people we support.