Name: Erika B.
Department: Clinical
Years in company: 2 Years

Nominated By:
Name: Lauren N.
Position: Clinical Behavior Analyst

Here are the Highlights from Erika’s nomination:

Top Attributes:

  • Ingenuity
  • Caring
  • “Thinking Outside the Box”

Erika advocates during and after each clinical supports visit in the agency’s Community Living homes. She provides feedback to people right away and comes back to the support team to provide insight. She consistently coaches DSPs in acknowledging the people we support’s human rights by explaining informed decisions they can assist with.

Erika took on the second wellness series that the Clinical team has organized. “Out and About with Clinical” encourages the people we support, their employees, and family members to move their bodies, engage in social skills, and focus on positives they experience. This combines our agency goals of Positive Behavior Support with Erika’s lifelong goals of public health and wellness programming. It’s inspiring to see Erika put her plans into action!