Name: Hassanah A.
Department: Community Living
Years in company: 1 Year, 6 Months

Nominated By:
Name: Ruth J.
Position: House Manager

Name: April M.
Position: Program Manager

Here are the Highlights from Hassanah’s nomination:

Top Attributes:

  • Energetic
  • Hardworking
  • Compassionate

Hassanah does a great job of pulling her peers together for the benefit of the people she supports. She has no problem taking the lead to ensure tasks, documentation and all paperwork are completed. Her positivity and energy are contagious. She assists team members whenever there are questions and if she doesn’t know the answer, she follows up with the Supervisor. She is a team player and follows up with good communication.  Hassanah works hard each day she is on shift. She fills in when needed and supports people with the best care and attention to detail. She is observant and dedicated to help the people we support fulfill their goals.

Community Participation:
Hassanah takes the people she supports out on day trips and likes to take them shopping. She loves getting out in the community and getting to experience people using their social skills.