Name: Schuyler T.
Position: Direct Support Professional (DSP)
Years in company: 3 Years, 9 Months

Nominated By:
Name: Deierra J.
Department: Community Living

Here are the Highlights from Schuyler’s nomination:

Top Attributes:

  • Positive attitude
  • Team-oriented
  • Mission Driven

Schuyler has spent a lot of time with the gentlemen he supports, really working to get to know them.  He takes them on regular outings, has open conversations with the guys, answering any questions they may have.  This puts Schuyler in a position to get to know and understand the gentlemen’s real feelings, goals and plans to be able to better advocate for them.

Schuyler is a very positive leader, with a can-do attitude. He has a great work ethic, is very focused on her team and always makes sure her team members are taken care of and supported.