Name: Tiffinay G.
Department: Community Living
Years in company: 1 Year, 5 Months

Nominated By:
Name: Chrissy I.
Position: House Supervisor

Here are the Highlights from Tiffinay’s nomination:

Top Attributes:

  • Loyal
  • Dependable
  • Willing to learn new tasks

Tiffinay has been a leader from the beginning. She takes responsibility for all her actions and admits when she’s wrong. She sets the tone in the Community Living home where she works and when I’m not around I lean on her to keep me informed of all important communications.

Community Participation:
Tiffinay empowers the person she supports every day to get out and live the best life she possibly can. She brings her to get her nails done, go shopping, sightseeing, visit the senior center, go to the movies, or even just a car ride.  The person she supports is much more active in the community now than before Tiffinay started working at The Arc NCR.