12 Days of Arc Angels
An “Arc Angel” is someone who has been nominated for moving The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region’s mission forward, “Empowering people with differing abilities to live, work and thrive in the community.”

Please read about our twelve Arc Angels listed below and be inspired to support our mission. We understand you have many wonderful choices to give to this season. So, we invite you to read about examples of what your donor dollars will be funding. This holiday season, give something that means something.


Birthdays tend to have a little more significance for Scotty. His parents have shared how he wasn’t expected to leave the hospital after his birth, and then when he did, he was not expected to live past the age of 18. Scotty celebrated his 55th birthday this Spring. His Community Living support team worked with his family to have a party at the McFaul Activity Center, and at that party, Scotty got to meet his newborn nephew for the first time. Words weren’t necessary to express his feelings, his smile said it all. Celebrate life like Scotty.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #1 : Scotty


Currently, there are nearly 4,000 youth in need of Foster Care in the state of Maryland. Many of those are teenagers. The Arc NCR’s Treatment Foster Care team is doing all they can to meet this need in our service area, but the impact is limited by the number of families in the program. We need to bring more families into the program so that more youth can receive the Foster Care support they need. Briana Palmer is one of the Treatment Foster Care Social Workers who support families in being foster families. And, while most people look negatively on foster care from the outside in, Briana gets to see the heartwarming and positive impact of being on the inside and looking out. Sescel is a foster parent that Briana works with, and his home has become a place of love, warmth and comfort. A place where two young adults simply know it as home, not “foster home.” A place where they are free to express themselves as young adults and not as “foster children.” Sescel is dedicated to serving teenagers through that pivotal time of growing into adulthood through positive role modeling and achieving goals. Sescel has already helped three teenagers emerge into adulthood and is now continuing with two more as they navigate the decisions they need to make to have the brightest future possible.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #2: Sescel

North Harford Middle School

During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, North Harford Middle School, along with most other employers, struggled to find consistent employees. The specific need for cafeteria staff was at a crisis point. Enter Katelynn. Through the work of The Arc NCR’s Employment Services team, Katelynn applied for and was hired on the school’s cafeteria staff. Right off the bat, Katelynn demonstrated the steadiness and consistency that the cafeteria desperately needed. Katelynn’s Manager, Jen Tribull, embraced Katelynn’s dedication from the start, also embracing the Employment Services partnership with The Arc NCR. The experience led Jen to see a change in the culture of the workplace, creating a care and support network that you don’t usually see outside of families. Jen and her team are truly there for each other. And, not just at the workplace. Outside of work, Katelynn is an aspiring entrepreneur with a Flower Arrangement business. Katelynn’s work is showcased at a variety of local events, and at just about every event, you will find Katelynn’s coworkers there to support her. Jen Tribull and the North Harford Middle School Food & Nutrition Program were recognized as the 2024 Employer of the Year by the Harford County Commission on Disabilities.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #3: North Harford Middle School


Emily Scott is a dedicated volunteer here at The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region. Emily volunteers with Family Support Services (FSS) and she was very helpful with the Summer Respite Program this year. She attended field trips to Dutch Apple Theatre, Leidos Field, Mini Golf, Bowling and Franklin Institute along with people we support to serve as a “buddy” to them. She continues to volunteer with FSS Game Nights and FSS Respite Saturdays. We are thankful for Emily’s dedication and commitment to The Arc NCR’s mission to empower people with differing abilities to live, work and thrive in the community.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #4: Emily


It all starts with the calendar of activities that Shirley creates with coach, Leyshla. Shirley finds true meaning in her purpose as she gets out into the community following the calendar of events. This usually involves branching out to try new things, which can be difficult for anyone, but with Leysha’s support and the preparation of having a calendar, Shirley’s new experiences are empowering her to thrive. Shirley’s family, peers and support team have been so happy to see the positive change that has taken place. Participate in the community like Shirley.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #5: Shirley


Regardless of the timing, striking up a conversation with Charles about what he likes will most definitely involve talking about the Fire Department. Charles became a member of the Perryville Fire Department at the age of 5 years old. His father served two consecutive terms as the Fire Chief at the Perryville and Susquehanna Fire Department. With the inspiration of his father, Charles devoted a lot of time to the Fire Department, getting to know everyone that worked there and completing chores there every day. Over the years he even earned a Fireman’s hat and jacket. Despite the work of his chores, there was never a complaint from Charles as his love for the Fire Department was genuine and he just wanted to be a part of the team. His membership of the Fire Department continues to this day, and at this year’s 100th anniversary ceremony of the Perryville Fire Department, Charles was inducted into the Fireman’s Hall of Fame.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #6: Charles

Sara and Christy

“I got you.” This is a favorite phrase between Christy and her Personal Support Coach, Sara. Christy is fairly new to The Arc NCR and is still getting to know her support team and the organization. Sara is fairly new to working with Christy, learning likes and dislikes and such. But while there is still much to learn and it will take time to get to know one another, both Christy and Sara will tell you that they have each other’s back, and they mean it. Four days per week, Christy looks forward to getting picked up by Sara. They participate in activities such as Pizza with Jesus at Mt. Zion church or Craftersnoon at the Library. They also go out to dinner and spend time talking and getting to know each other. Christy has shared that her dream is to help people, to be like a nurse or someone similar who can make others smile. Sara has shared that it is a great blessing to be around Christy and to be able to help her participate in activities that she might not be able to without The Arc NCR’s services. It is a comfort to both Christy and Sara, that as they establish their new routine together and plan for the goals that they will seek to achieve, they can both say to each other, “I got you.”
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #7: Sara and Christy


Recognized for being dedicated to supporting people for nearly 3 years, being empathetic to people receiving services and being motivated by the mission of The Arc NCR, Leyshla was awarded The Arc NCR’s 2024 Employee of the Year. Leyshla has spent much of her time working 1:1 with a woman receiving services, whose routines, goals and overall life had been turned upside down as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Slowly, they have been making progress over the last couple years, and now, the team has seen a complete 180 in the life of the woman Leyshla supports. Behaviors, communication, participation in meaningful activities and interaction with peers, family, and friends have all improved drastically. Leyshla’s dedicated support and long-term commitment has made a true and positive impact in the life of the woman she supports. Now, the two of them have a routine based around their activity calendar, pursuing personally valued activities each day — some new, some old. The horizon is still expanding for what life can be each day.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #8: Leyshla


Recognized for unwavering commitment to The Arc NCR’s mission, having an exceptional work ethic which is inspiring to others and being resilient in an ever-changing field, Dickie Mahony won The Arc NCR’s 2024 Frontline Supervisor of the Year Award. As Manager of the Employment Services Department, Dickie’s responsibilities range from high-level planning and curriculum creation for new and innovative programming to filling in as a job coach when needed, providing on-site support to those receiving services and enhancing employer partnerships. Dickie is an advocate for people receiving services and is a great builder of relationships. In an impromptu acceptance speech for his award Dickie referenced the book Charlotte’s Web. At the end of the story Charlotte is nearing the end of her life and Wilbur wants to know why she helped him. Knowing that life is temporary and fleeting, she said to Wilbur, “You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing.” In closing, Dickie shared that, like Charlotte in Charlotte’s Web, his work is driven by the belief that friendship, support, and advocacy are indeed “tremendous things.” His dedication to The Arc NCR’s mission embodies the spirit of inclusion and connection that inspires all who work alongside him.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #9: Dickie


Navigating life can be hard enough for a young man in this world, but with the additional challenges and obstacles of being neurodiverse, it can take sheer creativity to be able to navigate the best path forward. And creativity is just the tool that young Rapheal is using. Rapheal has been a Game Night participant with The Arc NCR’s Family Support Services team, learning and enhancing his social skills along with other participants. Recently, with his dad’s help and a profound love for dogs, Rapheal has written and published a children’s book, titled Chronicles of Bones Island. It’s the first of a series which follows a dog named, “Rapherd” as he learns to navigate the island’s dense forests, deep rivers, and hidden dangers, where he discovers valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and the importance of belonging. This is a great achievement for a young man learning to navigate social situations and life as a neurodiverse person.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #10: Rapheal


The entire “Pack” at Great Wolf Lodge speaks highly of Matt’s work ethic and positive energy. Despite facing challenges in his journey, Matt has succeeded in achieving for himself and paving a way for others. His exemplary performance at Great Wolf Lodge inspired the Head Chef to partner with The Arc NCR in hiring more of the workforce we support. With continued success and inspiring demeanor, Matt won The Arc NCR’s Success at Work Award this year, and additionally won the Harford County Employee of Merit Award. Achieve like Matt.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #11: Matt

Anna and James Lambdin

The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region has received a commitment for the largest planned gift in its history, thanks to Anna and James Lambdin. The couple has pledged a $3 million endowment to support The Arc NCR’s Family Support Services program, which has been renamed the Anna and James Lambdin Family Support Institute in their honor. For over 20 years, the Lambdin’s have given both time and resources to The Arc NCR—Anna as a former employee who launched the organization’s annual After d’Arc Gala, and Jim as a past Foundation Board member and local business leader. Their gift will bolster essential services, such as caregiver workshops, respite trips, and resource guides, designed to empower families navigating support systems.
In reflecting on the impact of their gift, Anna expressed the hope that it will be “lasting and beneficial to the entire Arc community.” Jim echoed her sentiments, noting how much he has seen The Arc change lives over the years. The Arc NCR’s President & CEO, Shawn Kros, called the gift a fitting tribute to a couple whose commitment and generosity have long inspired the organization. With this endowment, the Lambdin’s are leaving a legacy of compassion that will uplift families and individuals for generations.
Due to the Lambdin’s generosity, hundreds of families and individuals are benefitting from this institute each year in receiving advocacy, education and opportunities for participation which help to navigate through hardships and challenges toward the best life possible. In the last year, supports increased by 19%. Opportunities for youth include events such as Summer Respite Trips, Game Nights and Respite Saturdays which occur throughout the year. Each of these events not only provides much needed socialization and skill building for youth, but also much needed support for parents and caregivers.
The Arc NCR needs your support to continue empowering people to live, work and thrive in the community. Unfortunately, only a portion of The Arc NCR’s funding comes from the state and government. Your generous support is critically important to the success of all of our programs at The Arc NCR. Help us support people with differing abilities in our local community by clicking below to donate.
Angel #12: Anna and James Lambdin