Memory Garden Reception September 3, 2025

11:00 A.M.
4513 Philadelphia Road, Aberdeen, MD 21001

Our memory Garden is open to people we support, family, friends, etc., and features a path paved with bricks that are engraved with the names of loved ones.

Our annual Memory Garden Reception is a time for people to come together in honor of their loved ones, to share treasured memories, and to be present with others who are experiencing the same.

You can create a living memorial in the name of a family member or friend. Your donation will show the family of the deceased that you care about their loved one while helping The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region (The Arc NCR). We’ll send a personalized letter to the family of the person you designate to notify of your donation.

“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you,
I could walk in my garden forever.”
~Alfred Lord Tennyson

Purchase a Brick

An engraved brick will be placed in The Arc NCR Memory Garden, a personal and permanent tribute to a friend or loved one.

Bricks must be ordered by July 1, 2025.