Employment Services
Empowering people with differing abilities to obtain and maintain competitive, integrated employment.
Ready to meet you where you are.
From parents planning how their teenage child with differing abilities will transition into adulthood and get a job, to adults with differing abilities who are looking to gain more independence with employment on their own, Employment Services with The Arc NCR is here to help and empower.
Achieve with us.
We currently have 65+ employment partnerships throughout the northern Chesapeake region. Over 100 people with differing abilities are receiving support in competitive, integrated employment. And our rate of employment for those with differing abilities 27% higher than the national average.
Our services are available through the two sources listed below.
- Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)
- Maryland State Department of Education: Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS)
Each of these sources offers a unique menu of services which are explained in the dropdown sections below. Please click on a section to learn more about it, but also know that our team is available to help you navigate what is best for you or your loved one. Email Jeanne Beaman at jbeaman@arcncr.org.
Support the mission.
We are a community-based organization, and as part of the community, you can support our mission. Do you know of a company that would be open to partnering with us for job trials, assessments or hiring? Send them our way.
Email: jbeaman@arcncr.org
Call us at: 410-836-7177
Hire Our Workforce
Learn how businesses can build positive and productive employment partnerships with The Arc NCR.
If you are interested applying for The Arc NCR’s Employment Services, or just want to ask a few questions about our services, complete the contact form on our “Apply for Services” page linked below.