Our Mission
Since 1953, The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region has helped people with differing abilities build better lives one person at a time. Supporting individuals and their families over, “The Arc of a Lifetime,” by empowering people with differing abilities to live, work and thrive in the community through the following services:

The Arc NCR empowers people with differing abilities to live, work and thrive in the community.
Our Vision
A world where people with differing abilities lead personally valued lives.
Our Tagline
Our Core Values
We believe all people have the right to be and feel respected. We show honor and esteem to all people we come in contact with. This is done with appreciation and dedication to their right and privilege to be treated as someone with worth.
We implement the principles of self-determination; Freedom to make choices; Authority over services & support; Responsibility for organizing resources; Supports necessary to live in the community.
We believe everyone should have supports that assist them to be involved in real life opportunities in places with others to the benefit of all.
We are responsive to our internal and external customers, resource contributors, community and each other.
Community Building
We deliver on customers’ needs through new and existing community partnerships and creative use of resources.
The Arc NCR supports people with differing abilities to create lives that mirror yours and mine: students attending neighborhood schools, adults going to work and living in their own homes, and individuals enjoying the social and recreational opportunities in their communities. We are a private, non-profit local chapter of The Arc Maryland and The Arc of the United States, the largest national community-based organization devoted exclusively to improving the quality of life for all adults and children with developmental disabilities.
About Our Name
What Does Our Name Mean?
Our name is “The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region,” or “The Arc NCR,” for short. The correct use of our name means a lot. It represents supporting people with differing abilities over the arc of their lifetime. It means the only “r” word we use is “respect.” We invite you to read below and learn the history of our name, and the impact our name is making today.
Our name became “The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region.” This name promotes our mission, and encompasses the region we serve – Harford and Cecil Counties in the northern Chesapeake region of Maryland.
The Arc of the United States created a wonderful video showcasing the support given to people with differing abilities. It also explains the meaning of “Arc” in The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region!
Since 1953, The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region has helped people with differing abilities build better lives one person at a time. Supporting these individuals and their families over, “The Arc of a Lifetime.”
In 2023 our organization celebrated its 70th anniversary and put together a website page dedicated to our 70 years of history. Visit that page by clicking here.
Also, view our 70th anniversary kickoff video to see how our organization has made so much progress in our community over the years.