Daily Life & Employment
What a person does as part of everyday life– school, employment, volunteering, communication, routines, life skills.
Community Living
Where and how someone lives– housing and living options, community access, transportation, home adaptation and modification.
- MTA Mobility Link
- Public Housing.Com/Maryland
- US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- Benefits Finder
- Harford Transit/Demand-Response Paratransit Application
- DDA application
- The Coordinating Center
- MD Department of Housing and Community Living
- MD Recreation & Parks Assoc
- Transportation Security Administration
- Harford County Community Services Resource Guide
- Harford County Parks & Recreation
- MD Dept. of Housing & Community Development
- DDA LISS funds
- A Guide to DDA Services
- MD Department of Transportation
- MD Statewide Independent Living Councils (MSILC)
- United Way 2-1-1
- Harford Community Action Agency
- Harford Transit
- MD DDC Planning for the Future Guide
- Harford Community Action Agency
Safety & Security
Staying safe and secure– emergencies, well-being, guardianship options, legal rights and issues
Healthy Living
Managing and accessing health care and staying well– medical, mental health, behavior, developmental, wellness, and nutrition.
- MD Behavioral Health Administration (BHA)
- Maryland Office of Oral Health (OOH)
- Overview of MD Medicaid
- Medicare
- West Cecil Health Center
- MD Health Benefit Exchange
- NAMI/Maryland
- Apply for MD Medicaid
- Harford County Health Dept
- The Coordinating Center
- MD Medicaid
- Office on Mental Health, Harford County
- Parents Place of Maryland
- Healthy Harford
- Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs Resource Locator
Social & Spirituality
Building friendships and relationships, leisure activities, personal networks, faith community.
Citizenship & Advocacy
Building valued roles, making choices, setting goals, assuming responsibility and driving how one’s own life is lived.
- Disability Rights Maryland
- Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives
- Mental Health Association of MD
- The Arc Maryland
- MD Development Disability Council
- MD Center for Developmental Disabilities
- Pathfinders for Autism
- A National Gateway to Self-Determination
- Center for Jewish Education Special Needs Advocacy Program
- MD Coalition for Families
- Self-Directed Advocacy Network for MD. Inc.
- People on the Go Maryland
Contact Us
Contact the Family Support Services team by emailing, FSS@arcncr.org or by phone at 410-836-7177